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IT'S ALL ABOUT RHI: KISSKILL talks to the stunning Rhiannon

by Rhiana Dabboussy 19 Jun 2015 0 Comments

Rhiannon, the beautiful and talented face of KISSKILL, talks to us about all things modelling and her love for lingerie.  



How long have you been modelling?

I joined my first agency in 2010. I was 16 when I signed with Scene Model Management, although I wouldn’t say I started modelling properly until 2011 when I moved overseas for a contract. I am now with London Model Management. My booker, Eugene, was my manager at Scene and moved to London Management.  

What has been the best experience you have had in your modelling career?  

I know it sounds so cliché as I am doing an interview for the KissKill blog, but honestly being the face of KissKill has been such an incredible experience for me. Collaborating with such a talented designer and photographer, Peter Coulson, we were able to create two incredible campaigns that are timeless to me. It’s a really special moment when you are asked to be the face of a brand for a period of time, and to be able to be the face of a brand I adore and had been following since [its] launch in 2013; it’s pretty insane!

Have you had much opportunity to travel with modelling? 

Fortunately, I had the opportunity to move over to Shanghai and live in a model house in 2011/12. Working over there is working on another level. Coming home and shooting for 4-6 hours here is a blessing! They work you around the clock in Asia!

As a KISSKILL campaign model what is your favourite piece to wear?  

It depends what the occasion is. I like to feel sexy no matter what I am doing, and for me that is always wearing a nice bra and underwear, even if I am the only person that sees it. It’s all about how you feel! For every day, I love the set named after me, Rhiannon! I adore leopard print, and you can’t go past a beautiful silk piece. When I am feeling really sexy, my favourite (and my boyfriend's) is the Lana in black. This is such a classic cut out bra and knicker; it's always whipped out on [special] occasions!




Favourite food?

Mexican hands down.

What 3 things would you take on a deserted island? 

My phone, it has all my music on it that I cannot live without. My boyfriend to keep me company. And brow gel, I am obsessed with brushing my brows up and I don’t like anyone touching them.

What's your philosophy on lingerie, is it something you like to wear every-day or do you save it for special occasions? 

Definitely every day. I believe if you want to feel confident in what you are wearing, you want to look great in each layer. And plus, if you don’t like the bra and underwear you are wearing, who will?!

 What would be your best piece of advice to give to any aspiring models? 

Don’t listen to what anyone else says, do what you want and don’t conform. You also don’t need to have 1000k followers on Instagram to work.

Beauty or other essentials we might find in your hand-bag. 

Face wipes, brow gel, perfume, and paw paw.

Model: Rhiannon Tragear- Ragg

Photographer: Peter Coulson

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