INTERVIEW with KISSKILL model Chrissy Walczak
Q: Chrissy all of a sudden your in Miammi, how did this happen?A: Miami for me was absolutely not somewhere I had arranged to end up when I left Melbourne! It sort of fell into place after attending a friends wedding here. I guess it was being in the right place at the right time, meeting the director of Wilhelmina Erin here who is so lovely- she really made Miami feel like a place to base myself for my career at this point.Q: What are you doing right now?A: Right now I am looking at 2 rainbows after a crazy storm last night! As far as modelling- Just busy busy with lookbooks and catalogue jobs. Nothing quite as exciting as the kisskill campaign just yet!Q: You told me you are living in a model house, is it like an episode of top model? What's it like?A: To start with, the idea of a model house was way too much to imagine!! I was thinking ANTM all the way.. However I have made some amazing and beautiful friends who I think I will know forever. We are like a little family! Cooking, cleaning! We are all really good friends, which for a group of girls from all different cultures is rare but also really cool.Q: do you girls cook for each other or go out for meals?A: I think I answered this above a little hehe but we all cook here and there. One of my girls shardea and I share the grocery shop up and cook healthy meals (pizza pasta haha) and share dinners :) its super cuteQ: What do you do to keep fit & photoshoot ready?A: My very first advice from everyone I spoke to in Miami was boobs and butt!! So the boob part I totally fail on- and refuse the cosmetic option so I own my cute lil babies! The butt part- well I have to say you don't get an amazing arse from sitting on it.. (expect a few rarities) so Pilates, yoga and treadmill have been my little release while living here. I love my food so exercise is important so I can enjoy my glass of newzealand sauv and cheese on a friday ;)Q: What do you miss most about Melbourne (you've escaped our winter so it can't be the weather!!)A: I miss my family and friends of course! No one quite understands my humour and craziness as much as my Melbourne crew.. Of course my toy poodle baby Oscar Klein.. I want to cry when I think about leaving him :( I miss the coffee, fashion.. a lot of things actually!Q: Is the industry much different to here, and if it is why?A: The industry is much more competitive here. You have people from all over the world to compete with. This is great for me and a challenge that makes me want to push my modelling to a bigger and larger scale. Australia has a great fashion industry and I will always have a great appreciation for it. The aussie swimwear and lingerie labels (specifically kisskill) are still my favourite brands.Q: How long do you plan to live in Miami any plans to work elsewhere in USA?A: Miami is not a permanent place for me at this point. I am glad to be based on the East Coast and be close to NYC for future opportunity.Q: Have you met or seen any celebrities?A: Ryan Gosling and maybe more but I really am one of those stupid people who would see someone and not realise!Q: This is not a question – just want to let you know if I see you in any other lingerie campaigns I'll be really jealous. Ha ha haA: NOOOO !!! KissKill certainly has no competitors here that meet its amazing level of expertise! This label is by far my favourite lingerie and I wear it all the time! I want EVERYTHING!! Cant wait to see your new collection!Chrissy thanks so much for taking the time to give us a little peek into your world miss you lots & cant wait to see all the shoots you are doing.x